I've had a complicated relationship with my name as well. I was named Charles David after my father. He was known as Dave, and I quite like that. I was called CD growing up. I didn't dislike it but was a bit uncomfortable with it because it was so different from other kids names at an age when I just wanted to blend in. A classmate began calling me Chuck in high school. It sounded tougher and more masculine. There were even two NFL coaches, Knox and Noll, with the same name. I started referring to myself as Chuck and eventually CD was replaced by all but my family and childhood friends. My mom never said anything, but I bet it made her sad. In hindsight, although I still probably prefer Chuck, I wonder if maybe I shouldn't have altered destiny. As an old man, I don't know what I see myself as except as an old man. I enjoyed your article much more than I thought I would when I read the title, and it spurred all of these thoughts.